Saturday, July 08, 2006

Clubbin's Just Like A Bag of Chips

I just realised this yesterday. Clubbin's just like eating a bag of chips. When you haven't had it for too long, you crave for it. So u go buy a huge bag of chips. The first few chips tastes good so u dig in, feeling happier as you eat your way through. Sharing it makes it more fun to eat too!!

Then as you make your way to the halfway mark, you start to feel like you don't really like to eat it anymore and want to put it down but something just makes you keep going at it. It's not that u really like the taste anymore or the satisfaction of biting into a crispy piece of thinly-sliced potato covered in all sorts of preservatives and flavorings that would most probably give u cancer and kill you - abit morbid don't you think? - it's like a reflex action; hand dipping in, pulling out a chip and popping it into ur mouth.

If you're sharing, you don't really feel nice about putting the bag away because you think other's might want to have another go at it so you leave it lying among everyone and try to not look at it but the reflex action kicks in making you regret your next move.

As you near the end of the bag, you feel like you're gonna be sick. You really don't want to think about chips anymore but you grab another anyway. Chips doesn't taste like chips anymore. Your head's spinning from the overdose of MSG. You drink loads of water to hopefully flush it out but all it does is give you a filled bladder and you have to make a beeline for the toilet.

After you finish the bag, you vow to not eat another piece of chip for at least the next 6 months. You wake up the next morning feeling sick and you don't think you can do anything productive for the rest of the day. But before a month has gone by, walk down to junkfood aisle in the supermarket and you think to yourself: "I feel like having a big bag of chips." And you do. And the whole vicious cycle starts again.

Yep! Clubbin's just like eating a bag of chips....


At 2:55 PM, Blogger dodge said...

yo man, add a tag board dude =)


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