Saturday, July 15, 2006

I't's not easy.....failing...

Exams...then love life....failure back to back... Maybe i just suck at the important things in life...and am kinda good at everything else... It's like (if there's a god) god just said hey...let's do a little experiment. I'll give this guy here good brains, some good motor functions, an athletic looking body, funnies and wit, ability to talk in front of anybody but throw in no charisma, laziness, no athletic abilities and no female attraction matter how much a girl likes a funny, caring and conversational boyfriend....

Well, that about sums up my life. All my efforts...or whatever effort i can summon due to the laziness thingy lolz...usually end up in vain. Is it becoz i haven't tried enough? Or is it because i tried too hard... I think with studies i din try enough and with the ladies...i tried too hard?? I'm losing out to 17 year old boys for goodness sake... Kinda sucks really...and the guys a jerk...well...says the girl who is liking him now....

Or is it the bad boy thing. Or the good boy thing? I'm neither good boy nor bad boy....don't really think i'm in between either..maybe in a world of my own. Another universe...which no one can get to....therefore unable to read the signals i'm throwing...or can't decipher...or dun like it at all...

Can dance so what? Can sing so what? Can play guitar so what....?? Doesn't make u a better student/boyfriend material..'s ur answer GOD...its not funny. Try doing this to urself....seem like a capable person yet is deprived of all the qualities that would MAKE a person capable....

I guess i'm just ranting at the frustration of it all...wanting to blame it on something else besides myself. A little sideways blaming ain't so bad...takes the load off abit....makes u feel little better....than just trash at the results u get.

I'll write a song about it...if i can cock up the lyrics to it. Already making headway with the song for the unsuccessfull courtship story...lolz...onesided at that..


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