Saturday, July 15, 2006

One of the perculiarities of life...

The thing with good looking people is that they are either highly in demand or they are not. Normally its the former because its a social norm that everyone wants to be associated with good looking people....its as if the good looks might rub off on them too or something.

My impression of good looking people....espeacially that they usually have crappy personalities......ok, not crappy but not the most interesting i have to say. This is provided that the fact that they are good looking has been pressed upon them by society long enough to create an impression in their young minds when they are children. They take for granted their ability to make friends therefore they don't really try to develope skills that are vital to, let say, picking up guys/girls if you are not of the good looking category.

This ends up with them being boring.

Because looks are all that's going for them, should people get tired of it, they turn into really plain janes and johns... Not much of a conversationist...can't tell jokes...not really entertaining. Sometimes, they can be really annoying because of the need for attention by everyone else.

NOT so good looking people on the other hand develop personalities to help them cope with life's constant expectations. No one wants to be an outcast...even outcasts have groupies...therefore these people become extremely interesting! Funny, witty, entertaining, sometimes charismatic, and so on so forth.

What about kids who were not exactly good looking when they were young, when the mind was open to shapping and moulding but turn into swans when they grow up? These are the silver linings in this murky and materialistic world. They become the champions of society. Figureheads as they possess both the qualities of not-so-good-looking people and the elite features of the beautiful. Unfair??'s like that...


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