Sunday, October 28, 2007

UVERworld - D-Technolife

This is my new "Top of my list" band. UVERworld seriously rocks my world. Included in them is M-flo, Jinn, Monkey Majik, etc...

The vocalist is amazing. His voice is so full blown and rich you just can't sick of it. Well maybe you can....but right now i'm tripping it. The guitar rifts in this song just makes it. It really gives that "reach into ur brain and send it to high heaven" feel. The stop and go strumming pattern here just adds another dimension to the song. The drums don't really stand out but it adds body to it.

There is an album version of this song but this is the LIVE version, according to them anyways. I love it so much better. They really build it up well. Once it reaches the climax, you just explode....AWESOME. Three thumbs up!!

As you can see, they're all jap. I really have no idea why....but i guess i really do like jap songs. Or maybe it's the fact that they are more daring and creative than the average run-of-the-mill-radio-top-20 bands and singers.


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