Sunday, December 30, 2007


Ah...a tad bit too early i guess... It IS just the eve, not yet New Year's.

But i know i will forget and not log on for awhile so i thought an early entry would be good. Plus i'll be going down to the city later for some fireworks and stuff...and probably not gonna come back till tomorrow afternoon or something. Adrian...YOUR ROOM IS MINE!!! MUAHHAHAHAHAHHA!!!

Well, blabbers aside, i just wanna recap on my year for you guys...wait, it's really more for me i guess. I don't even KNOW who regularly reads my blog (most likely due to my inconsistent blogging efforts + lack of pictures).

The year has been rather harsh for me. Bad results...REALLY bad results (actually more the other way around) and then a referral letter from uni informing me that i might possibly be kicked out unless i respond appropriately and give reasons pertaining to my horrible examination capabilities and swear to improve and finish off my degree thus being able to stop paying them as well. Which i believe, as a business, is a really dumb idea anyways...kicking full-fee paying students out of uni. So i guess uni isn't all that corporate and profit-seeking as i deem it to be. There's still some ethics in this world that's going down the drain. Unless the whole point of kicking out non-acheiving students would be to improve their credibility and thus the innate ability of the uni to attract students from all over the world to suck out more money from their hard-working families. Hmmm...this train of thought is going nowhere therefore i shall drop it.

At least it's been a good year for my sis. Getting into NUS to do dentistry and thus in time make alot of money as well as being able to give me free dentals!! Hurrah for my over-acheiving sister!! Not so well informed on my other sister though. But i hear she's doing alright so that's good. Now I'M the black sheep. Maybe that has always been the case....i don't know.

Did i mention that today is really H-O-T HOT!!! (that was pretty duh~~) I can't believe how hot it is....OMFG it's hot. Wait, i can. I HAVE been through this last year. Damn. 40 blardy degrees!! 41 to be exact. Then again, i'm not really sure how high IS the weather today so my "exact" cannot be taken for granted. Again, i'm rambling. Just random words being put together by this messed up head of mine - my excuse being the heat.

Oh yes. Another pointless input. Another shitty job this year. At least it's not the bosses who are giving me the heat. Just one person. He is insignificant in my life (repeat 10x). Ohm......

Well, enough about my year. Let's talk about yours!! How do you do that through the blog...never got to that part. I hope it's been great with yours.

It'll be another year in a few hours time so i shall not dwell on the past anymore. Look forward, stick my best foot out and take the step into a New Year hoping, praying (not really) and working towards a better life - in ALL aspects. Hint hint! (Don't think too hard. You'll get a headache. If you don't get it...forget about it. If you do, don't confirm with me)

Let's head on to a new roller coaster ride together!!! WOOTS!!!


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