Saturday, December 23, 2006

I feel like a piece of tissue...

Yes. A tissue. The kleenex types where you wipe your snot on and throw away the moment an opportunity comes by. I don't know if it's because i'm over sensitive or do i give people the impression that i am the type that doesn't mind being used. I know i'm blur and easy to bully...but seriously, i have feelings too. I'm not some punching bag that lets you hit again and again and again you know...

I've come across too many people who like to do that with me. I'm never the nice guy where everyone likes to hang out with and doesn't want to piss off. I'm always the go to guy when you need a favor but it doesn't really matter what how he feels at the end of the day. Maybe it's something everyone goes through and i haven't really asked people about therefore i am "overly feeling it".

Also, people aren't nice to me often. I'm not saying that they're nasty but you know... Like most people are usually friendly, compassionate, understanding, thoughtful, bortherly (sisterly too...come to think of it) but very seldom nice. You might argue like being thoughtful is being nice but there's a distinct difference. It's often "what about Chiang Wey?"..kinda like an afterthought, like it's convenient or lack thereof choice therefore include him too rather than me being one of the main characters sorta?

I guess i am overly thinking it. What with being at work for about 8 hours and a total amount of travelling time of more than 2 hours, your thoughts tend to wander and thus create weird thought patterns...usually over analysing tiny things that shouldn't matter. Then again...maybe i'm not. Yeah sure, i'll be your joker and people who know me well know i would stick a head, limb, organs out to help (figuratively speaking of course...but i guess it really depends on the situation yeah?) but you know, just think of my feelings sometimes yeah?


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